Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Small Man Continues to Sublet Uterus

Don’t let the dramatic pause in blog entries fool you. I’m not in labor or anything. I just don’t have much to report. It’s been a slow news week, what can I say? Plus I’ve been having first trimester deja vu with all this nausea, which has made me feel less bloggerific than usual. Plus, I’ve been really busy staring at a crack on the wall that actually moves when you don’t blink for long enough. Plus (er…mostly) laziness has prevailed.

I dropped off the big jug-o-pee today and had the weekly blood draw. While at the lab, I ran into a nurse from the OB office and suddenly realized just how familiar I had become with many of the good people at the medical center (or possibly “centre” if you are feeling a bit Canadian today). I’m almost going to miss seeing the “gang” three times a week when this is all done.

While they don’t want to act on it yet, the doctors are a little concerned about a rise in uric acid in my bloodwork which apparently indicates some kind of kidney malfunction. But, hey, what’s a little kidney malfunction? Wouldn’t we expect there to be at least some major organ shenanigans, given how weird this whole situation is? I mean, come on, I have a small man living in my uterus. The kidneys, the liver, the stomach… they all know something is up and probably feel a bit nervous. They are probably worried I am condo-ing out my whole abdomen and soon I’ll have little men living in every organ in my body. Well, dear organs, let me assure you that is not the case. So BUCK UP! Besides, the kid’s getting an eviction notice at the end of the month anyway.

My little tenant seems to be doing well at the moment, and that’s all I really care about. More news, and possibly non-news, as it happens.

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