Tuesday, July 8, 2008

House is Clean, Cats are Traumatized

The floors are very clean. Of course, we still have piles of clutter but the areas around the clutter are sparkling clean. The Molly Maids were very sweet and wanting to hear all about the baby on the way. The one named Eema* had a very thick accent, though, and I’m not sure she and I were always having the same conversation. She probably wasn’t at all interested in hearing about the baby, but when in doubt I just volunteered baby information.

When Eema was cleaning the bedroom it gave us a good twenty minutes of alone time together. I got hopelessly lost in the conversation and I felt bad that I was saying “What was that?” every five seconds. So I just started nodding a lot. At one point, I swear she told me that her son was studying to be a priest but then came out as gay and had to quit his studies. That sounded like an extraordinarily interesting revelation, but I couldn’t be sure that was what she said. I had been nodding for so long and was so lost that I couldn’t possibly ask for clarification without exposing my poor listening skills and my shameful façade of head nods. She looked at me, obviously expecting a certain reaction to what she had just said. I stared at her wide-eyed, hoping for some additional cue on how to respond because I really wasn't at all sure of what she said. It was exactly like that moment in the movies when you can hear a clock ticking, even if there are no clocks around. Finally, Eema said “So that has been hard” and I quickly said “I bet.”

I really wanted to ask more questions, but my ego wouldn’t let me because my phony nods would be exposed. Oh, the shame! *sigh* I win the number one phony baloney award.

Anyway... the maids have come and gone and the house is now much cleaner. Since all the kids are doing it these days, how about I just sum things up with a haiku:

two maid tornado
leaving in its wake pine scent
and terrified cats


That’s some high quality faux Japanese poetry right there. Yep, I like to bring a little class to the blog… a little art for art’s sake…a little turtleneck wearing…a little NPRishness… a little buying-an-obscure-album-to-display-but-never-listen-to-ness… you know what I mean. I’m bringing a little of that the blog.

Alright, I’ve got to focus on comforting the kitties now,

*actual spelling may vary

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