Thursday, July 3, 2008

Our Big Little Guy

I had an ultrasound today in which the boy measured 5 lbs, 12 oz!!! Holy cow. This kid is off the charts HUGE. Maybe it’s a good thing the doctor’s won’t let me go to 40 weeks. If I did, and this trend continued, I project that I’d be pushing a full grown 185 lb man. Instead of coming out crying, he’d come out saying in a deep baritone “Hello, mother. That was rather unpleasant, wasn’t it? Perchance do you have a wet-nap?” (Well, maybe he wouldn’t be quite that big… I’ll have to recheck my math on that.)

My mom (Alexander’s Grandma) came along with me to the appointment today, which was really fun. Despite the archaic ultrasound equipment they were using, the tech got a few interesting views. The baby was opening and closing his hand, as if he were waving at my mom … so he is already making his grandma very proud and happy! That’s a sizable portion of his job description right there, so he is already outstanding in the field of baby excellence.

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