Tuesday, September 11, 2007

565, dude!!

Does anyone know what 565 means? Is that the number of hits we can expect this blog to get? The number of seconds someone spent making this template? The hourly salarly of the guy who came up with blogger? My highest weight at some time in the future? (God I hope not.) Tim's total cholesterol? Average number of grammatical errors per post? What? WHAAAT?

Nothing says "I'm a hip and creative individual" like a template. That's fine, we never said we were either.

This is why Tim doesn't like to buy cards. He hates the idea of paying some anonymous person to say something that is reasonably close to what you might have come up with on your own.

Happy Birthday!? Genius! Does anyone else find that picture a bit terrifying? That baby looks like an Olsen Twin baby. I always thought those girls looked sort of creepy in their infant days on Full House. See:

Same gaping mouth, same beady little dark eyes. Well... we can laugh about it now because the Olsen twins grew up to be gorgeous and leered at by creepy guys across the globe. Who knows what happened to the Hallmark baby.

Wait. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, this crazy template. We could have built our own template. We also could have made Grandma a birthday card out of cheese and sequins. Sometimes mass-produced things promise more mass-appeal. Plus... laziness preveils.

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