Thursday, October 7, 2010

Laughing Ava - Jurrasic Style

Laughing baby videos never get old, right? I mean, laughing baby videos always win on America's Funniest Home Videos... unless they are up against some guy getting hit in the crotch in some clearly-not-staged manner. (Which seems to happen with suspicious frequency to people that send videos in to this show.* If someone tells you they are making a video for AFHV, wear a cup.) So, no crotches were harmed in this video... but there is an adorable laughing baby.

You can hear Ava 'going Jurassic' here - which is when she starts screeching. Crank it up and enjoy. (Although, our canine blog readers may want to skip this one.)

As a sidenote: I'm sure this video really destroys the illusions you all had of us as very tidy people. (And by "you all", I mean those of you who have never met us or looked at this blog before.) So can we just pretend like our kitchen table isn't stacked high with bills, graham crackers, sippy cups, oily rags, and matches? Thanks.

*I should note that I haven't actually seen a full episode of America's Funniest Home Videos. It should be called America's Crotch Hateningest Home Videos. The laugh tracks don't help... they just make me very very sad for crotches.

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