Sunday, August 15, 2010

Two. Yeeeeeaaaa!!!!

When you ask Alexander how old he is, he proudly holds up two fingers and says “two!” Sometimes he follows that up with a “yeeeaaa!”

Everyone should exclaim “yeeeaaaa!” after saying their age. I’m 34… yeeeeaaaaaa!!!! See? It feels good, right? As a bonus it deters any follow-up questions.

So Alexander turned two on Saturday. We had cupcakes with red "2"s written in frosting...and then I plunked down this giant number 2 candle. It took months of research, planning, and focus groups to come up with this party theme.

Here is Alexander’s friend Riley going “nom-nom-nom.” Cupcakes rock…

We got Alexander a Sit’n’Spin … or a generic knockoff of a Sit’n’Spin, anyway. I think it’s called a Twirl’n’Hurl. Or a Rotate’n’Ralph. Or a Play’n’Puke. Something along those lines.

Sometimes, he just falls off and declares “Dizzy.” Then he gets back on and starts spinning again. It’s like the toddler drug of choice. We’ll have to stage an intervention and send him to Sit’n’Spin rehab. He’ll have a hard time with the twelve step program since his counting skills get pretty iffy after ten. But those last two steps are just filler anyway...

A good time was had by all this weekend…. Including but not limited to Ava and her Uncle Dave.

Alexander woke up the next morning loudly announcing “I’m happy!” (Pronounced “hap-peeeeee”!) Who says that when they wake up in the morning?? Evidently, being two is just un-freakin-believable awesomeness.


1 comment:

Aunt Rachel said...

Uncle Dave and I did have a tres happeeeee wheee weekend helping the Bub celebrate Two-ness. The cupcakes were awesome, as was watching the Twirling - which was as close as I want to come to self-imposed dizziness, thanks. And I just put the Ava at Three (Months, that is) Pix in the big brown album which holds the family history - thanks for those, too!