Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Conversation with a "crunchy mom"

This is a simulated conversation based on actual conversations with EXTREEEEME hippies. Enjoy!


Errin said...

OMG! We get this type of thing a lot in my area. You know. I had a woman hunt me down after a breast feeding support group to tell me all the things I was doing wrong.

Us said...

Hey, Errin -
I figured you would have encountered some of this where you live! It's a crunchy pi$$ing contest and the kids are practically secondary.

You can't just breastfeed... you gotta be a lactivist! Sorry you had a run-in at a "support" group. Lameness.


Mama Tao said...

On my blog we your think taking the pi$$ out of us supper mega militant crunchies is like totally OPRESSIVE.

Me and my readers are REVOLTING and your post bill be ritually burned to ward off the the negative vibes you are wafting over our hallowed vaginas.

Us said...

Mama Tao -
Your blog is effing brilliant.

Aleah said...

I love it!!! I've run into a few of those mamas at the commissary here. I like to toss a can of formula and Hershey's syrup into my cart at the same time; I told one Earth Mama that Little V really preferred a good dose of chocolate in his bottle. I thought she was going to pass out ;)