Wednesday, June 2, 2010

nice haircut, I must say

I knew it was time to cut Bub's hair when we could gauge the humidity based on the SJR Index. (That's the Sally Jessie Rafael Index) On an especially muggy day, Bubby's hair registered a 1991 on the SJR Index. Impressive, yes... but it was time to cut.

I waited until he was tired, strapped him into a highchair, gave him snacks and played an Elmo DVD. Those are my only tricks for keeping him distracted from my dangerous lack of scissor skills. Here are the results:



Nice cowlick, Ed Grimly. Still, it's an improvement. He's cute enough to pull it off.

"Thanks, mom."

Hey, totally mental is the new black.



Aunt Rachel said...

Awesome scissor skills! Don't sell yourself short! And Bub - what a fine new look! How mature. Is he going to skip toddler all together, and go straight from 'cutest baby' to 'little kid'?

Anonymous said...

You took away a fine foundation of one of the major requirements that is a necessity to become a young rock star, and turned him into a conservative young republican.... Come on Man get with the program. Peace Fat Nick