Sunday, January 3, 2010

Imminent Load Mode? Awaiting pee data...

In the midst of the holiday madness, I had another ultrasound and a couple doctor visits. Our little girl (who is still a girl, according to the tech) is doing very well. She’s measuring right on schedule and kicking hard enough to produce sci-fi style belly rolls and protrusions on her mother.

My blood pressure, however, has been steadily rising since about 21 weeks. It was insanely high at the last doctor visit (and, yes, that’s a medical term… "insanely high" is only one step below "ludicrous level" hypertension). I’ve had some swelling. I recently had to take off my wedding ring and sport the unwed mother look, which is so hot this year, according to InStyle magazine. I'll spare you the horror of actual pictures, but I do have those tempur-pedic legs like I had last time.

(simulated swell pregnancy legs)

And I also am starting to get a case of FFF (Fred Flintstone Feet).

(simulated swell pregnancy feet)

None of the swelling is as bad as it got last time, at least not yet. I'm not having mobility issues due to swelling or anything like that... it's more just an annoyance and a slightly sick fascination right now.

Anyhoo... all this has led to me hanging out with my jug-o-pee today. Woo-hoo! That’s right, it’s another 24-hour collection… which you may remember fondly from my last pregnancy. At this point, the doctor told me to just "shut up and take it easy" (or something along those lines, I'm not 100% sure on the 'shut up' part). If I have a lot of protein show up in this 24-hour test I’ll probably be put on bedrest - aka Load Mode.

Fortunately, I have a mom nearby who has a superhero cape in her closet and is itchin’ for some heroics. If it wasn’t for her, my blood pressure would totally be at ludicrous level right now. So iron you cape, mom, and keep an eye on the sky. We may be calling for help soon.

As we wait for the pee data to come in, please enjoy this picture of bub’s hinder.

1 comment:

Aunt Rachel said...

Wish I could do that!
And look at all those teeth.
We need to come see you before Bub changes any more!
And how about your changes?!?
You will keep us blog-readers posted, I hope, on your and the Bean's health...