Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Mullet

This is not cultivated hockey hair, people. It is a naturally occurring mullet.

Business up front:

Party in the back:

Sorry about the gauzy-looking picture. The camera lens is pretty scratched up. Now all of our pictures look they are from a soap opera trying desperately to make their octogenarian hearthrob look like a septuagenarian.

Speaking of inane television programing, look at how insanely adorable the kids are when they are staring the the T.V. together. Yar.

(And with that gauzy-looking picture, Alexander looks not a day over two...and Ava looks like a fetus. The gauze works!!)

1 comment:

Aunt Rachel said...

I was prepared to give you cosmetology credits, Blog-Mom, for trimming your girl - but genetically programmed hair-dos is just too much! You're the best! By the way I just checked the blog to see about a trick-or-treat night report. Am waiting with baited breath to find out!