Friday, May 21, 2010

We’ve Got Pudge

As the area’s number one milk producer, I recently noticed a sharp increase in demand from my top customer. The Marketing and Research department confirmed my suspicions. The average weight of our customer base has increased by 10.77% in the past two weeks. Today’s hefty local milk consumer requires more milk than ever before.

This is my frustratingly cutesy way to say that Ava now weighs 9 lbs!! Not only is Ava getting bigger, she is also getting stronger. Check out these mad holding-up-her-head skills.

Never mind her strong neck, check out those cheeks! (Resist the urge to reach out and pinch your screen… coochie-cooing your electronics almost never ends well.)

Sorry about the bizarre angle and extreeeeme close-up of the above picture. She was up on my shoulder when I took the pic. Yeah, so if you thought my photography was craptacular before, let me assure you that my one-handed photography is even craptacular-er. I expect I’ll regain use of both my hands in about 6 to 12 months, at which time I’ll issue a new excuse for poor photography.

Tim’s sister and brother-in-law visited last weekend. In addition to poor photography skills, I also now have extremely poor hostess skills. I was absent for a good portion of their visit due to my responsibilities as a food source for Ava. You don’t realize how much of the day is spent half-naked until you have company. I expect I’ll experience less partial nudity in about 12 – 13 months, at which time I’ll issue a new excuse for my seemingly anti-social behavior. Ava enjoyed being in her Aunt Rachel’s arms while I enjoyed taking this rare two-handed picture:

Ava now gives me a big smile when I smile at her. So this is how I spend a good portion of my days – smiling like a crazy person at a six-week-old baby. I don’t care if I look/act/am crazy. I could literally explode from the dangerously high levels of yar she emits.

Then I look up and see this guy:

And my “literal” explosion becomes an actual explosion… neither of which are real explosions. Ironically, however, my abuse and misuse of the word “literal” literally makes a Grammar Goody-Goody explode.

(Angry Grammar Goody-Goody)

Nothing like ending a blog entry with a bang. And I literally mean that figuratively.

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