Favorite animals included a lion (which he “roared” at), seals (or “seees’ in bubby language), and flamingos which he made this face at:
"They're pink and weird."
Admittedly, our zoo photography isn’t exactly National Geographic quality. Mostly, it’s just shots of Alexander looking at animals, and you’d never know the pictures were taken at the zoo. But trust me. We were totally at the zoo. For reals.
To instill a sense of empathy for caged animals, we placed Alexander in the laundry basket. (OK… actually he crawled in it himself because it is HILARIOUS when daddy gives him hamper rides. But I still think somehow the lesson was learned.)
Oh… and oddest overheard conversation the park…
Setting: In front of the Caribou Crazytown (or similar euphemistic and alliterative phrase for cage)
Players: Redneckish dad and his three boys
The Conversation:
Dad: Now if you were hunting, which one would you kill?
Boys: (talking at once) That one! That one’s the best to kill!
Youngest son: Where would you place the kill shot, daddy?
You can’t make this stuff up. I’d just hate to be lost and wandering around the woods in THEIR backyard. Especially if I was wearing my deer blouse (with matching full-cranial headpiece!)
Anyway. Zoo = fun.
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