Thursday, August 27, 2009


Now that Alexander is starting to walk, we had to cave in and buy him some shoes. Seriously, this is his first pair of shoes EVER.

By waiting so long, we completely bypassed all those super-soft super-cute baby shoes and went right to the hardcore “you could wear these to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro” shoes.

Some may call it being frugal, some may call it neglect. Honestly, I just didn’t see the point of shoes on a baby who couldn’t walk. That’d be like giving Mr. Clean a comb. (Although he could arguably use it for those eyebrows...)

It didn’t take him long to figure out how to pull up the Velcro and then yank off the shoe. In the baby world, this is a feat on the level of Criss Angel Mindfreak. (So annoying, is what I am saying.) Maybe we should have gotten a baby shoe version of "The Club" so he couldn't take them off so easily. Or someone needs to invent a baby shoe LoJack system so we can find missing shoes when they get tossed behind the couch. There is a million dollar idea that you got for FREE just by reading this blog. You're WELCOME.

I still haven’t gotten a good video of him walking. Here is a super brief walk. If you blink, you'll miss it. I think his record is 5-6 steps before either grabbing something or falling on his butt. This is probably just one step, but it’s cute anyway…

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