Thursday, June 11, 2009

Enjoy this Blog While Wearing Protective Goggles and Face Mask

He went to bed sounding like Garrison Keillor… woke up sounding like Darth Vader. (He’s got respiratory congestion that is worse in the morning, is what I’m saying.) I wonder if this is swine flu… or raccoon ringworn… or turtle tonsillitis… or cow congestion… or human hysteria. All I know is we’ve gone through more Kleenex before 9 am than most people use all year.

Cow and Bear have been showing concern by meowing at me, as if to say “You’re his mother, DO something.” No… no, wait. I know that meow. They are saying “Stop anthropomorphizing us and clean our litter box.”

A memo to everyone in this house: bring your need level down a notch, OK? Can’t you see I have a blog I am trying to update?


Save the drama for your mama. Oh…right.

Gotta go.


Shannon Stein said...

I so feel your pain! It has been booger central around for months!

Shannon Stein said...

I so feel your pain! It has been booger central around here for months!

Rachel said...

Though we know The Boy is back to 100%, it occurs to me you should know that Boy's Dad was called - by his own mother! - "The Snot Factory." Be prepared.