Sunday, February 15, 2009

See the resemblance?


Imagine the sound of air slowly escaping a balloon as you view this picture.



OK, now I have to go FOR REALS.


Cue the crickets.



Anonymous said...

Huh? Crickets? I thought I got the resemblance, but I don't get the rest about going. Gosh, it's work to be this dumb. Anyway, thanks for the name mention and as always, love the pix.

Us said...

Crickets = silence (due to anticipated long pause between posts - see previous post.) Sort of an old school joke. People that find it funny include octogenarians and people that haven't slept more than 2 hours straight for 6 months.

Actually, come to think of it, this excuse applies to almost any joke you don't get.

So in conclusion --it isn't you. It's called Our DUMB Blog with good reason. This blog is far below beneath your intellectual abilities.... perhaps too far.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for explanation. Howscum ("I don't know how; and don't call me 'Scum'!" - old Mad Magazine line) my stupid comments get through without a hitch, but when I polish off some tremendous witticism, I do a techno-stumble and can't work the blog? Huh? And now that I get it, the cricket sound effect IS really funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it! That is funny! Thanks for the cricket explaination. I had no clue.

Us said...

Both you and Rachel just aren't old enough or tired enough to appreciate the humor.

See, Rachel, it wasn't just you! :)